Wednesday 14 January 2009

50 Questions tag

This tag was sent to me ages ago by a good friend... this will also be my first tag in this blog: Here it goes:

1.Were u named after anyone?
No. u wish on stars?
Yes.. shooting stars only.

3.When did u last cry?
Hmm.. I dont remeber...

4.Do u like ur handwriting?
YES, I do.. not only i like my handwriting.. many ppl do too....

5.What is ur fav meat?

6.what is the most embarrassing CD on ur shelf?
I dont know.. all i can see are Barney.. Barbie.. and Nursery rhymes... am i supposed to be embarresed?

7. if u were another person, would U be friends with u?
Definitely yes. I love Me...

8.are u a daredevil?
No. do u realease anger?
I release it to the person who made me angry in the first place. But i never stay angry for too long.. I know, ppl get confused on how i can be so angry one minute.. and so calm n nice the next ...

10.where is ur second home?
Does my mom's place count? u trust others easily?
Yes. To a certain extend. But the moment they break the trust.. there is nothing more to say. To me, trust is like a mirror.. once broken, no way to make it right.

12.what was ur favourite toy as a child?
A tomato doll. Its named Tomato Tallulah. i still have it.

13.wat class in school/college do u think is useless?
I think history... esp Malaysian history as the facts keep on changing from the time i was in primary and to the time in colege, there were so many contadicting facts. u use sarcasm a lot?

15.have u ever been in a mosh pit?

16.wat do u look for in a gal/guy?
Honesty.. and being faithful...

17.would u bungee jump?
Nope.. i dont think i would. u untie ur shoes when u take them off?

19.whats ur fav ice cream?
Pistachio Almond

20.ur fav colours?
Blue, pink, purple, yellow.. oh i cannot decide...

21.what are ur least fav?
Coffee colour, grey. many ppl do u have a crush on right now?
Crush.. no i dont think i have a crush on anyone at the moment...

21.who do u miss the most right now?

24.what are u listening to right now?

25.if u were a crayon, wat colour would u be?

26.what is the weather like right now?
Nice and Sunny..

27.last person u talked to on the phone?

28.the first thing u notice about the opposite sex?
Their hair. I think its better than my mom.. who notices their foot... kikiki u like the person who sent u this?
Of course ... she's a good friend...

30. how are u today?

31.favourite non-alcoholic drink?
Apple Juice

32.favourite alcoholic drink?
None is my favourite...

33.natural hair colour?
Dark Brown.

34.eye colour?
Dark Brown

35.wear contacts?

1 younger brother.

37.favourite month?

38.favourite food?
Lots...I need a whole new tag for that.

39.favourite day of the year?
Nothin in particular

40.have u ever been too shy to ask someone out?
Yes...But eventually i did.

41.scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings

42.summer or winter?
I dont like both.. i prefer autumn and spring.

43. holi or diwali?
diwali.. because i dont celebrate holi u like ur name?
I love my name.

45.what book/magazine are u reading?
This months Womens Weekly, Shopaholic and Baby, Asian Godfathers by Joe Studwell

46.what's on ur mouse pad?
No mouse pad

47.what did u watch on tv last night?
Barbie Princess- Diamond Castle

48.favourite smell?
Miracle Forever - Lancome

49.have uever regretted breaking up with someone?No.

50. most tiresome thing u've experienced/done?
Doing an internal audit on audited documents.

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