Saturday, 28 February 2009

Postgraduate Studies

Finally after 2 years of thinking.. and thinking.. and more thinking.. i am starting my MBA this year... many have started theirs long time ago.. and the main reason i wanted to do it this year is so that I can b happy with myself that i have done it before I turn 30. So today was the day that i have to register at MMU.. i got up so early.. maybe I didnt sleep at all..It was like first day of school.. Stayed at my in laws place... so that my daughter could be left with them while i am away..

Talk about excitement.. they were more excited than i was.. and my father-in-law kept on saying.. its like sending Yaashinee to pre-school... they were all excited and happy for me... i dont know why.. they are nice like that ( that's another whole post on them later)... and i am not graduating.. i'm just starting.... kikiki

So.. there goes my sundays for the next 2 and a half years.. (soonest) I really hope i can come out of it sane... everyone around me thinks i'll be fine.. i m starting to doubt it... Being so kiasu... i want to get good grades ok.. not just pass the MBA.. and get the cert... no point in just passing it for the sake of the paper rite?? hope there are ppl who will agree with me....

The first day was bad.. went to the MBA centre and the guard tells me to go to the Management faculty.. i walk all the way there.. just to find it empty... then after going up n down the management faculty.. i went back to the mBA centre.. where there was a clerk there.. i asked her where is the registration n orientation going to be held?? And she tells me.. oh.. you have to wait here.. its here... Urrgghh.. i felt like strangelling that guard.. but unfortunately he has left.... he made me walk around half the campus....

So i waited and waited.. no one turned up.. and it was 9.30.. i was told it will start at 9.. so i waited.. thinking whether i am at the rite place... then one by one.. they came.. and we started... huh.. what a relieve... oh ya.. they also gave us tea.. and sandwitches... kikiki... part of the orientation i guess...

It all finished by 11.30.. and i was home by 12.15.. MEX makes it such a breeze to travel to cyberjaya these days... And my classes will start on 15th March..... and I will definitely blog about it.... till then.. wish me luck...

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